In the provision of Tubular Inspection & Management, we can be counted upon to provide the best in terms of accurate, timely and reliable services. We are obsessed about eliminating down-hole tubular failures by providing quality inspections and identifying tubulars that could potentially become problematic, thus reducing the risk of down-hole failures and making high cost savings.

Certified, professional pipe inspectors thoroughly examine the tubular body, the connections or end areas and check for possible discontinuities and
wall loss in the tubular body with EMI equipment. Our inspections meet or exceed API requirements while following documented Standard Operating Procedures and safety protocols. Both in-yard and wellsite inspection services are available.

We Inspect:

  1. Casing – all sizes
  2. Tubing – all sizes
  3. Frac strings – new and used
  4. Pup joints

Third Party Monitoring Services:

  1. Casing & Tubing Inspection & Maintenance
  2. Drill Pipe & Hevi-Wate Drill Pipe Inspection
  3. Drill Collar Inspection
  4. Bottom Hole Assembly Inspection
  5. Pressure Testing
  6. Lifting Inspection (Load Testing)
  7. Lifting Equipment Fabrication & Test Shop
  8. NDT Services
  9. ISO 9002